NervesHubLink integration

This section walks you through integrating a device with a NervesKey with NervesHub.

Device registration

Devices must be registered with NervesHub via the commandline tools, web user interface or User API first. You will need the device's manufacturing serial number for this step. If you don't have it, the Quickstart firmware or NervesKey.manufacturing_sn/1 can retrieve it. From the CLI, run mix nerves_hub.device create. Fill in the manufacturing serial number when it asks for an identifier. Fill in the description and tags fields as you'd like:

$ mix nerves_hub.device create
NervesHub server:
NervesHub organization: your_organization
identifier: 123456789ABCDE
description: My favorite device
tags: qa
Local NervesHub user password:
Device 123456789ABCDE created

Integration with your Nerves project

You can tell nerves_hub_link to read those certificates and key from the chip and assign the SSL options for you by enabling add it as a dependency in your mix.exs:

def deps() do
    {:nerves_hub_link, "~> 0.7"},
    {:nerves_key, "~> 0.5"}

NervesKey will default to using i2c bus 1 and :primary cerificate pair. However, you can cusomtize these options as well to use a different bus and certificate pair:

config :nerves_hub_link, :nerves_key,
  certificate_pair: :aux,
  i2c_bus: 0

Last updated

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