
This is the fastest and simplest way to get started trying NervesHub.

Start the Project

Start a Nerves project (or use your existing one):

mix nerves.new sample

Add nerves_hub_link to the deps function:

{:nerves_hub_link, "~> 2.5"}

Then run mix deps.get.

Set up Product

Inside of your NervesHub account under the Org of your choice. Create a Product.

Then go to settings. Hit the button to "Add a Shared Secret".

Copy the Key and copy the Secret. If your browser does not seem to grab the secret when you hit "Copy Secret" you can inspect the button and steal the secret anyway.


In config/target.exs:

config :nerves_hub_link,
  host: "devices.nervescloud.com", # or whatever your instance is
  remote_iex: true,
  shared_secret: [
    product_key: "<YOUR KEY>",
    product_secret: "<YOUR_SECRET>"

If you need WiFi find the part about :vintage_net and "wlan0". Replace the blank wlan interface configuration with:

{  "wlan0",
        type: VintageNetWiFi,
        vintage_net_wifi: %{
          networks: [
              key_mgmt: :wpa_psk,
              ssid: "<MY_NETWORK_NAME>",
              psk: "<MY_WIFI_PASSWORD>",
        ipv4: %{method: :dhcp},

To build for a Raspberry Pi Zero:

export MIX_TARGET=rpi0
mix deps.get # fetches the system as well
mix firmware

Then deploy to SD card via mix burn or to an existing working Nerves device via mix upload.

Power it up and it should join your device list.

Click into it, try the Console and have some fun. For installations with more serious security and device identification needs. See the full Setup guide and how to use NervesKey.

Last updated

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